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Finding Power

As part of my job I am always on the hunt for replacement power for our customers, some need additional power, some just are looking to upgrade, and on some occasions some railroads and industries just want to cut back on the power they have on site and ask us to help them find new homes for their locomotives..In most cases we purchase the locomotives as we find them and then after we have a chance to shop them we place them with our customers in a lease, lease purchase or out right purchase..Our program and the flexibility that our company gives to us is very helpful in meeting the needs of our clients ..Currently we have many units in our inventory and can meet most of the demands our customers have.. Currently we are working on a program that requires more GP40's then we have available and are looking for more good complete core units to re build and re qualify, the need we have for locomotives vary from day to day but we are always on the hunt.. If you find your railroad  in need of additional locomotives, or if you find your company has excess locomotives , give us a call or drop me an email, lets see if our program can help you as it has helped so many others..Railroaders helping Railroaders..


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